Communication Issues...

We went to see Riverdance on Tuesday night. WOW. It was absolutely beautiful and the music was so fantastic. I highly recommend it!!

On the way back, we decided to stop for hot chocolate at McDonalds. They have delicious hot chocolate in 3 flavors - yum yum!

So we get to the drive through speaker and Russ says, "I would like a small hot chocolate, but with none of the extra whipped cream or chocolate on top."

Complete silence from the other end of the speaker. We wrongly assume that she is calculating the total....

Because in a few seconds we hear this small serious voice say, "Sir? If we don't add chocolate to the hot won't be hot chocolate. It will just be hot..."

I immediately fell into the floorboard laughing.

Russ of course, calmly assured her that he did indeed want chocolate in the drink...just not an extra swirl of chocolate syrup on top of the whipped cream.

Of course, in the last few days Chip Ingram's radio broadcasts have bee on hearing God's call on your life....and how sometimes we just don't hear the phone ringing (or the voice through the speaker).

May we all always understand what God is saying to us...particularly if it involves chocolate....

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