From One Teacher to Another

Pre-teen boys.

Just those words alone bring heinous thoughts of funky smells, awkward limbs, and acne issues. As much as they have going for them, this should not be the time in their lives to experiment with contact lenses. Glasses are better. Period.

Apparently, my kindergarten teacher personality has allowed me to be unofficially elected as the official optometrist office contact lens teacher. I have gone from teaching music to sweet children who bring me flowers and treasures, to convincing pre-teen boys and old men that it is indeed okay to touch their eyeballs.

If only I had a coin for every male who said, "You mean I'm supposed to touch my eye? I can't do''s....just so DISGUSTING." (Insert gagging noises here.)

Is there really a nice way to say, "WHERE DO YOU THINK CONTACT LENSES ARE SUPPOSED TO GO?" I'm still working on my delivery....

We had one particular kid a few weeks back who cried, pushed me away, and kept screaming, "It hurts!!" anytime I came within two feet of him. He was 12, I actually never even got close enough to touch his eye, and this lasted for 45 minutes....cutting short my cherished lunch hour. The fact that they didn't have to take me directly to the looney bin is remarkable.

As I stewed over his behavior during my (short) lunch, these words came to mind:

"How often do you treat Me the same way?"

Well that's just a little harsh, don't you think, Lord? This kid was nothing like me - he was whiny and moaned and groaned and shoved me away, and all I was trying to do was something nice for him.
