I am allergic to handbells.
I think it's hysterical.
Russ doesn't find it remotely amusing.
I think it would make a great book title:
Help! I'm Allergic to Handbells: A Tell-All Guide to Being Married to a Music Minister
This week has been quite a doozy. Russ came home last Tuesday with the stomach virus. Friday I had to call the fire truck because the house was smelling smoky...never fear, after checking every nook and cranny of the house in full fireman gear (including the hatchets!), it was discovered that a rubber measuring spoon had decided to glue itself permanently to the heating element in the dishwasher. (Note to self: Do not put rubber measuring spoons on bottom shelf of dishwasher.) After some good laughs, the firemen told me that this happens pretty frequently. I'm choosing to believe them.
Then I spent two days at the Handbell Festival. I'm surprised that the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Society did not put up a booth in the lobby.
Saturday night I started itching all over when I went to bed.
Bad sign.
Sunday morning, I still itched all over and discovered that I had two small itchy patches of red bumps on my chest....in exactly the same spot where you damp the bells. (Definition: damp - to stop the vibrating sound of the handbell by whacking yourself in the chest.)
So, in my ever truthful webMD self-diagnosis, I have determined that I am indeed allergic to handbells. Oh pity.
A special blessing goes out tonight to all of those handbell players out there!
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