
Last night, Ethan and I sat by the window and watched a storm bend the 30 foot trees in our backyard like spaghetti noodles. The strength of the wind was tremendous and I wondered several times if the trees would be able to withstand it. Thankfully, the roots stayed firmly planted and no damage was done.

You would never know today that such a strong storm had come through. The sun is shining, the clouds are puffy and white, and the cool breeze is absolutely refreshing. Would I have noticed all of these things if I hadn't just seen a terribly dark storm? Probably not.

I started thinking about's storms. If you're breathing, you've experienced them. Sometimes it seems that in the whirlwind of life, the storms just keep brewing. Family issues, job issues, health issues.....the list goes on and on. We bend and bend until it feels like we are going to break.

It occurred to me this morning as I enjoyed one of the most beautiful Carolina days I've ever seen, that it is easy to forget one small fact about storms....

They ALWAYS come to an end.

If you are stuck in the middle of one of life's storms, just hang on for dear life and ride it out. Your days of sunshine and cool refreshing breezes are just around the corner.