The Treasured Milk Container

I can't see my blog in China because Google's Blogger isn't used in China, so I apologize if I start repeating myself! I do get the comments delivered via email, so keep'em coming!

Ethan's security is his milk box. I think we went through 6 on the first day and he slept with his arms around another one for the first night. (Disclaimer: Yes, we are aware that 6 might be slightly excessive! Security is more important right now!) He holds onto them as his treasured possession and wouldn't let us touch them on the first day. Day 2 was a little easier, and his first English word ended up being "milk". Today he added "more milk"! Such a small thing that we take for granted, but such a hugely important thing to a hungry little boy.

Now I need somebody to figure out where we can buy non-refrigerated boxed milk in the States!


Doye said...

I think you will find it easier than you think. You just never shopped for it before!! I know WIC gives out larger boxes of unrefrigerated milk and I know you can buy unrefrigerated chocolate milk boxes so I'm pretty sure you can get the regular juice sized boxes also. Love you and love the pictures! Showing Peyton the pictures so she can already be getting to know her cuz!

Christy Dodd said...

Angela, you can buy unrefrigerated milk in juiceboxes. I'll start looking and see where it is most readily available.

Christy Dodd said...

By the way, he is absolutely beautiful!

Chrissy said...

I know I've seen it in Wal-Mart. You may be able to find the exact brand on Amazon. Love the pictures. His eyes are beautiful, and he has SO MUCH hair. Keep the posts coming :)

Lisa Wipp said...

I believe it is box with a slying cow on it. They are in most stores. i know they are in harris Teeter.

And I LOVE this picture!!!

Lisa Wipp said...

flying cow. Huh.

Carol C. said...

Angela, he is SO BEAUTIFUL! And he looks so much like the 2 of you! The love in your photos and in your posts just makes me tear up every time! Precious little family!
~sniff, sniff~

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for taking time to keep the preciuos pictures coming! He is just too cute! Mammaw is here getting to share this time with us. We love you all and can't wait to see you.i

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Daddy and Mama

lancasteref said...

Love reading your blog! He is so cute! I can't wait to show Doc his new playmate. :)

Christy Dodd said...

Parmalat has your boxed milk. It can be bought at Wal-Mart. I believe it is on the aisle with baking items.

Elaine in NC said...

I saw the milk in a box at Food Lion today, in the juice isle. They have chocolate too!

debbieteague said...

Hi Angela, Jennifer Brown wanted me to get word to you that she asked the grocery person at her walmart, and they stock it on the aisle with the hot chocolate. I don't believe you'll have any trouble finding it here in the US!