Mr. Personality

Look out, America. Mr. Personality is on his way!

Today Ethan's personality is really coming out. He laughs wildly with his head thrown back, he shouts commands (like "baba tzo!" or "Daddy, go!" - when he is riding down the sidewalk in his stroller), he talks to anyone and everyone, he constantly opens and closes drawers and doors and bags, and food...well, he likes to eat and our first breakfast at the hotel was very interesting. We may not be receiving many invitations to eat out for.....well, a few years.

This week we have been to Walmart and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Bless them for expanding to an international market. It was so nice just to see the familiar signs. It is MUCH harder to go out in Kunming because of the language barrier. We are one of a handful of English-speakers in a city of 4 million. Even simple tasks are incredibly difficult. Just trying to order some milk for E at lunch took a game of charades and 2 orders before I finally just gave up. I have gotten used to starting every statement with "English?" and even then, things get lost in translation. In Beijing, our group were "celebrities". People would take our pictures and point, smile and wave. Here, we just get stared at everywhere we go. I am looking forward to meeting back up with the rest of the families on Saturday!

Today we signed all of the official papers! We also saw the sweet orphanage director who brought him to us. Yesterday he called her momma and cried for her for hours. Today, he called me momma and asked me to hold him when he saw her. I think the tide turned when I went downstairs last night to get something from the front desk, and he thought I had left him, too......through the same door as his other momma. He was wailing by the time I got back and hasn't let me out of his sight since. It is absolutely heart-breaking. We have a long way to go, but he is going through the attachment process in a very healthy way, which is exactly what we had prayed for.

Nap time is almost over, so off I go!


Lisa Wipp said...

This makes me so happy and sad at the same time. I know his little heart has to go through all of this but it makes me sad, yet I am so joyful for your family! I check here about 25 times a day. OK maybe 50. I'm just so content knowing you have him!

Chrissy said...

Such a bittersweet post. Y'all are doing so great, I can tell all the way from Wilmington. I stalk your blog every day :)

Christy Dodd said...

Tell Russ that holding his sweet son makes him look 10 years younger. He knows what else I'm thinking. Sending you prayers and positive vibes across the Pacific!

Doye said...

Sounds like Ethan is very much like Peyton when it comes to eating and curiosity!! They are going to be great cousins!! We need to get them together as much as possible! Maybe they will get to meet next week. : )
Love you guys and we are so happy for you and that the bonding process is going well. You may never get a seconds peace again! (Welcome to motherhood!!) : ) Love Paula and the gang

Chuck Dodd said...

Imagine that! Russ having trouble ordering in a restaurant!