
Hello from Beijing! We are so happy to be here (and with all of our luggage)!

Both of our flights were wonderful! We started in Charlotte and went to Detroit, then from Detroit to Beijing. That one was about 14 hours! Basically it was 1 movie, 2 episodes of Downton Abbey, 3 meals (we were stuffed!) and 6 hours of sleep....well, make that 1 hour of sleep for Russ.

We flew just a little west of the North Pole. It was absolutely beautiful looking out of the window. Huge snow drifts, mountains and glaciers. I will try to post the pic later.

The interesting part of the flight was when they asked us to fill out our entry forms. We had to let them know if anyone had a cold or cough or any other illness. If so, they would send you to quarantine upon arrival. Needless to say, I didn't hear a sniffle or snuffle during the whole flight......

Thanks to the Olympics, all signs in Beijing are posted in both Chinese and English. VERY helpful. Tom, our guide, will be taking us on a tour of the city today, so hopefully I will have pictures for you tomorrow!

Have a great day!


Elizabeth said...

I know you only have just begun your trip but I love seeing each post on here and get excited when a new one pops up. My prayers go with you each step of this journey.

Lisa Wipp said...

So glad all is well so far!