
My apologies for my blog posts being so few and far between. Pinterest. That's all I can really say. I am totally, completely, absolutely addicted to Pinterest, and I spend my free moments finding recipes that I will never use and studying hobbies that I will never actually do. It's addictive, inspiring, and totally exciting, all at the same time. I'm sure there will soon be a law against it because really no one should be allowed to waste so much time on something that is so much fun.

But enough about that. Onward to this week's blog post.

My confession of the week is that I have always had a very overactive imagination. Truly, I think I would probably be a horror story writer, if I didn't scare myself to death with the plots that I come up with. CSI Miami writers have nothing on me. All it takes is the first 30 seconds of the 11:00 news and my brain is in overdrive. I seriously have to check my closet before I can go to bed. I blame it on too much Angela Lansbury and "Murder She Wrote" growing up.

Last week, a friend's husband had a very serious surgery....potentially life-threatening and with the possibility of cancer as well. I have a 30 minute commute, so I was just talking to God and asking for His protection, then telling Him I didn't know how she would survive without him, then crying as I thought about what her life would be like without him.

I had the poor woman widowed and living with 26 cats in less than 2 minutes flat.

"Don't do that."

What? What do you mean, Lord? Don't do what? She's going to be without her lifelong love. And he's going to have cancer. And what about all her kids?

"Don't do that. Don't make up stories about what might happen. When you do that, you don't allow Me to protect you from the hurt. You just blaze into it without a shield around you. Don't you see? I give you everything you need for any situation....just when you need it. In REAL life. Not inside your crazy head." (I don't know if God actually said that last part or if that was just my interpretation....)

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (without your crazy imagination helping it out).
Matthew 6:34

I think it's about time that I start imagining the amazing miracles God can do in EVERY situation.