We opened our finalized, notarized copy of our home study last night to put it in the packet I intended to mail to Immigration today, only to discover that there are misspelled words (including my name!), typos, and incorrect information about the age and special needs of the children we are adopting. Three weeks ago, we were assured this information would be corrected in the finalized copy.
So, we are actually not finished with the home study....11 months after starting it in March 2011. It will have to go back for more corrections. And our social worker is out of the office for 8 weeks with shoulder surgery.
Somewhere out there are two precious babies waiting for their forever family....and they are going to have to wait longer. Two thousand babies are on that waiting list, hoping that they will be chosen. Quite honestly, it just makes me sick.
Again, though, we are thanking God for the delays. His Hand is in this situation. His Power is over this situation. And we will be able to say with absolute certainty that He brought our family together. Thank You, Lord!