A Different Perspective

Yesterday I had an eye-opening encounter with my last piano student of the day. She was telling me that she had tried out for a movie that was going to be filmed locally, and she said, "Everyone who tried out was either a teenager or a young twenty-something adult. They said they needed some more older adults to try out....so I guess if you wanted to be in a movie, you could try out!"

Apparently, I am no longer considered a young adult. I am totally startled by this fact. I'm not sure that I'm over the shock yet.

Just to be sure that I understood her correctly, I checked with the other teacher who was in the room at the time. "Did you hear our conversation?" "Yes....all I can say for you is OUCH." So I guess loss of hearing is not to be blamed for my interpretation of the discussion.

Anyway, all of this started me thinking about perspective. Isn't life all about perspective? How do we see our lives from our own point of view? Are you a glass half-empty person? Or a glass half-full? A new Francesca Battistelli song ("This is the Stuff") talks about those daily things that keep our focus off of the bigger picture....and off of our great big God.

I have two friends who have both lost a child over the last three weeks. One who lost her 26 year old to a horrific car accident, and one who lost her newborn to a disease. Their life perspectives are forever changed. Their eternal perspectives are forever focused in a new direction.

One of the mothers recently said that she feels so cherished and so close to God - like she is resting right under his chin and hearing his heart beat - that she doesn't want the pain to end because she loves feeling that close to the breath of God. What a testimony in the face of grief.

This challenges me to look carefully at my life perspective in the coming weeks. Am I living life from my perspective...or from God's?