Last week, we were at Choral Festival in Spartanburg sharing music, laughs, and inspiring devotionals with 700 music ministers and staff. It was AWESOME. (However, I'm pretty sure that we were sitting in the descant section for the first day. You know descants....suddenly the ladies around you start lifting their voices waaayyyy up to the heavens and you want to tap them on the shoulder and say, "You know, it's good to be close to God, but not necessarily with your voice. Just sayin'.")
The weekend was filled with a lot of 'Aha' moments, but none were more memorable than a much-needed lesson learned in the final session. A daddy and his two little twin girls (around 4 years old) were sitting in the row in front of us. Through the session, this dad was praising God with his hands lifted.....and those two precious girls were watching him very closely. Towards the end of the session, one of the girls lifted her arms high and just praised God. What a sweet sight to behold!
Shouldn't we all be doing our best to emulate our Father?
Those girls were so certain of their father's love. Everytime they asked him for a hug, he willingly reached out. They knew they could trust him; you could see the love and admiration in their eyes. They admired him so much that they wanted to be just like him. They wanted to praise what he praised, to focus on what he was focusing on.
Our Father is infinitely more worthy of our trust, love, and admiration, than any earthly father ever could be. How can I not keep my eyes on Him at every moment? How can I not seek to be just like Him?