An Ornithological Rant

My car has apparently become a magnet for birds with gastrointestinal problems. Now, I know you're probably saying, "Surely you're being a little over-dramatic."

First of all, the five of you that read this blog know that I would NEVER be over-dramatic.


Secondly, if you came home from Easter vacation to find that your car had apparently served as a rest stop for not just one bird with food poisoning, but an entire FLOCK of birds, you too would feel utter humiliation as you drove to work Tuesday morning and parked your "used-to-be-white" car in the school parking lot.

Perhaps it wasn't a flock of birds at all. Perhaps a neighbor thought it would be funny to wipe my car down with a few hundred Smores.

(You'll never look at them the same, right?)

Anyway, now that I have that off my chest, I'll get down to a spiritual application. Because I believe that God can give us a spiritual lesson through any experience. So here goes.....

(Elevator music playing)

I'm gonna need more time.....