Sad News...

Well, I guess this will be my last official post for awhile. We have been computer-less for quite some time, and as you can tell by the infrequent posts, it's a little tricky to post when you don't have a computer!!

(By the way...if you happen to know of anyone selling a used computer that will word process and surf the web at a reasonable clip, please let us know!! Doesn't matter if it's a laptop or desktop!!)

I do have an update from the last post. I woke up last Monday and told God that I was ready for Him to reveal Himself to me in a really big way.

Only a few hours later, my former employers called to apologize for their antics.

Yay God!!! Because believe me when I say that it would take a miracle for that to happen!!!

The verse that has been coming to me over the last few days is Psalms 68:6:

God sets the lonely in families.

I held onto that verse being an only child who moved alot growing up, and through the thick and thin of moving to the last three cities as an adult, completely and totally not knowing a soul.

And it's amazing how I'll open my Bible directly to that page every single time I need to hear that from God. He never fails to show me that verse.

So I want to say Thank You to all of you whom God has made my cyber- 'family'. I have truly enjoyed being able to share my life with you. Hopefully sometime very soon...(remember the post about the minister's wife who prayed for makeup and received it from an anonymous giver? well, all I have to say is...I'm praying for a computer!)...I'll be able to share with you again!!


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