I met so many wonderful ladies who truly taught me a lot about what it means to be a minister's wife. But one lady in particular stood out. She is a young mother to four children, soft spoken and kind, and could truly attest to God providing for her family on a very small "shoestring" budget.
Different churches and individuals had put together gifts for each of us, and when this young woman received her gift, her face lit up. She told the group that she had decided a few months before to begin praying for even the very small things, knowing that if God was faithful in the big stuff, He could be faithful in the small things as well. She had specifically been praying that week for God to provide her with new makeup. That month's budget had been very tight, and she had not able to buy new makeup when the old had run out.
I'm sure you can guess exactly what was in her gift bag at the conference. Foundation and eye shadows, all she needed to feel treasured by her Heavenly Father who answered her prayer in a way she would have never foreseen.
I felt very humbled that day. And realized how often I need to stop and tell God about the little things, because He does care.
Today, I had to return something to a gift store. It's one of those stores that has EVERYTHING. Beautiful pictures, bookends, soaps, jewelry, bags - everything a girl could want. I knew the store would give me 'store credit' to use and as I drove over there, I wondered how on earth I was going to come out exactly even in picking something out. And I HAD to come out exactly even...we're on the envelope system at our house, and my envelope has $6 left which is going to be lunch on Friday on the way to a conference.
As I browsed through the store, I decided pretty quickly that I was going for the jewelry. That's something that I rarely buy for myself, but given the opportunity love to get! I found a cool swirly silver ring and a pair of earrings....and had $5 left on the credit. I looked around and thought, "There is no way I'm going to find anything for $5 in this store." The prices are good, but they're not THAT good. So I started turning over every pair of earrings and bracelet that I saw.
I turned to go to a different counter and sitting right there in front of me was a gorgeous bracelet with the price tag dangling where I could read - $5.00.
As I drove home I thought of that young mother from the conference and realized how often I miss God's greatest blessings....because I don't even think to ask.
I love my new bracelet! And everytime I wear it, I will remember exactly how God blesses us in every area of our lives.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear....Look at the birds of the air...your heavenly Father feeds them. And see how the lilies of the field grow...Not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."
Matthew 6:25-29
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